Friday, September 11, 2009

Green Envy...or not!!

Did you ever wake up, move in slow mo getting out of bed to start your day, something comes over you and you start to feel a little 'GREEN'?

As you continue through your morning looking for relief, before you know it you actually start to see 'GREEN'?

That's exactly what happened to Michelle & Brandon. Their 1st stop today? Bring a landlords pool, whose tenant let get away from him during our 115 degree heat, back from swamp 'green' to clean. This project took 4 hardworking hours to accomplish.
They started with a stiff bristle brush and diluted chlorine which usually works, our normal process for a chlorine rinse ... but didn't work this time. Moved on to a wire brush and hose with power nozzle ... also didn't work. Finally Brandon pulled a Tim the tool man Taylor. Power washer!! That's how bad this algae was in this pool, embedded into the pores of the beautiful white plaster.

In the end it took them 4 hours, 8 gallons of liquid chlorine applied straight on, non-diluted, for a job which usually takes a couple gallons diluted at most. He power washed as Michelle applied chlorine and scrubbed with the wire brush. ( and I took pictures ). You bet we get enough money for this job.
End result was a beautiful white pool! For some reason they are now looking for a raise! ha

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Unfortunate bunny circumstances.....

Today, poor Michelle our daughter entered a beautiful, golf course property with a gorgeous view and with of course a pool. She gleefully skips over to the skimmer basket to pull it out and empty the contents. To her dismay, there were 3 dead bunnies. Sure, typically we just pull the basket out, bunnies and all and discard the contents into our garbage net. However when she closed her eyes, squirmingly puts her hand into the skimmer, the bunnies fell apart. Bones scattered everwhere. EWWWWWW..... She's traumatized for life.

How does she handle this situation you ask??? She goes and gets her pliers and bone by bone, carcass by carcass, she removes all floating parts. Poor girl!

What happens to the pool in this situation? Based on the rigormortice that has set in, these bunnies fell into the pool about 5 days ago. Therefore, short of calling in forensics we estimate that just enough time had passed, bacteria set in and the chlorine level was dead, in the pun intended. SHOCK THIS POOL BABY!!!! (Baby is a nickname for Michelle, we stole it from Dirty Dancing). This is our tough yet girly pool girl.

Monday, September 7, 2009

For the love of POOCHES!

This is interesting stuff. We have a customer who loves to swim with her 3 LARGE dogs. We typically clean a cartridge filter in these areas of Arizona every 6 months.

HOWEVER, as you can see by the photo of a dirty filter caked with dog hair and one after it's cleaned, this filter needs to be cleaned 3-4 times per year or we fight uncontrollable algae in this pool. But we LOVE our animals.

These are our pets Maggie, strawberry blonde and Tonka, the big galute we would like to share with our followers!

In closing, yes your dogs can swim but be prepared for additional maintenance.